AutoFill Refill Due Date Calculation
When a prescription is filled, the Refill Due date is initially calculated based on the Fill Date, days supply, and the # days before refill preference.
Fill Date + Days Supply - # days before refill due
When a prescription is picked up and scanned through POS, the Refill Due date is re-calculated based on the pickup date, and the prescription moves accordingly on the To Do tab for the appropriate recalculated date.
POS Pickup Date + Days Supply - # days before refill due
Populating the Workbench
All prescriptions that are eligible for AutoFill automatically display on the Workbench To Do tab on the applicable future date. The date that the prescription appears on the Workbench To Do tab is based on the value set in the # days before refill due preference in More > Pharmacy > Adherence.
For example, the # days before refill due is set to 4 and a prescription's Refill Due date is January 16, the prescription refill is automatically placed on the To Do tab for January 12.
Select the dropdowns below to review two scenarios in which the To Do tab is populated with an AutoFill future fill. In these scenarios, the # days before refill due is set to 4.

Joan Smith has a prescription for 60-day supply of enalapril that was last filled January 1. On January 3, the prescription is enrolled in the AutoFill service. Since this is a 60-day supply, due for refill on March 2, the next refill is placed on the Workbench To Do tab for February 26 (4 days before the due date).
If this prescription was enrolled in AutoFill after the refill due date, the prescription is placed on the Workbench To Do tab for the current day. For example, if the prescription has not been refilled and is enrolled in AutoFill on March 3, the refill will be placed on the To Do tab for March 3.

Melinda Osbourne’s prescription for clopidogrel, a 30-day supply, is already enrolled in the AutoFill service. The prescription was filled on December 1, and the next refill is scheduled for December 31. The next refill is added to the Workbench To Do tab at the time of filling a prescription that is enrolled in AutoFill. This occurs once the prescription becomes Complete. In this case, the refill is automatically added to the To Do tab for December 27.